La Balabusta

Balabusta (Yiddish: בעל־הביתטע) is a Yiddish expression describing the "housewife who rules the house” and also the name of the new restaurant of Ronit Stern, an experienced cook of Israeli origin who has built a great reputation in Barcelona. The cuisine has an Arab influence with a Western Mediterranean and Barcelona touch. The rules: local products and no non-Middle Eastern elements cooked from scratch, open kitchen and great staff, all composed by women and Nestor, the head waiter.

I was delighted with the cheerful bureka, a filo pastry empanada of Balkan origin that is prepared with an exquisite hand, a combination of soft cheeses made in the house, spinach and spices. A delicacy worthy to taste when you are in Barcelona.

This restaurant has been selected by the Michelin Guide.

Time Out about La Balabusta

C/ del Rosselló, 180, 08008 Barcelona, Spain

Last visited on the 17th of July 2023

Authored by Laura Meseguer

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