El Piripi

El Piripi can be described as an old-school restaurant or con solera. It has a cozy atmosphere and serves traditional dishes with a touch of modernity and in constant evolution. I ended up there alone, as a guest of a friend, and along with Manolo, the friendly bartender who was in on it, they served me a feast. The red prawns from Denia, honestly, the best in the world, the tuna tartare, the best I've ever tasted, and the dry rice with tu and clams will blow you away. And to top it off, they served homemade truffles on the base of a coffee pot :)
This restaurant has been selected by The Michelin Guide.

Av. Oscar Espla, 30, 03003 Alacant (Spain)

Last visited on the 16th of July 2023

Authored by Laura Meseguer

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